Mind Body Reset
Within us exist all the tools we need to nurture ourselves. Dive into your intuition and unlock your power.
The Art of Letting Go
The time of the Autumn Equinox is an ideal opportunity to explore and restore balance within. Join Nicola for a weekend in the beautiful Suffolk countryside to celebrate the turn of the seasons; to let go of what holds us back and to plant seeds of intention for the coming months ahead.
Healthy habits for hard times
Committing to small, daily habits that keep our mind, body and soul aligned makes for a more joyful, resilient life
How our creativity helps us manifest a beautiful life
When we harness our creativity, we have the power to manifest a beautiful life into reality. All it takes is a willingness to be open to the possibilities available to us
Step into the fire of your personal power
Looking for your true identity? Holding back on what you truly desire? Summer is the ideal time to step into the fire of your personal power.
Loving ourselves into our highest vibration
Attuning to our own, unique vibration is an act of great self-awareness. When we open our hearts to lovingly receive all that life has to offer, we raise our vibration to its most potent state, says Nicola Chantler.